In a country where all public institutions swear by public procurement rules while at the same time trying to avoid them, it is of paramount importance to protect your position prior to entering any public procurement procedure. Our law firm advises companies on submitting bids in public tenders, providing legal advice on the entire range of issues concerning public procurement law, the awarding of government contracts and representation of our clients before the competent courts. The appeal periods are short in public procurement and it is better not to wait to get in contact with experienced lawyers, who will review the correctness of tender invitation documents and resolve contractual bid document issues. It is on us to clarify legal questions and assist in any contract negotiations with the procuring entity. Is there a lack of transparency in a public procurement tender? Is a competitor obviously receiving preferential treatment? Were you surprised at not being awarded a contract, and the procuring public authority is withholding any substantive explanation? If you need answer to any of these questions our team will assist you within very short deadlines.